It’s the time of year where our feeds are filled with friends, family, and acquaintances posting their highlight reels from 2024. While we may find happiness in seeing others' joy, there can also be a profound sadness in seeing events that are so different from what we've experienced in the last year.
We wanted to remind you that simply getting through the year is an accomplishment. Not every year feels the same, but feelings are temporary, and you are so much more than what you achieve in any given year.

Here are 5 things to celebrate if you simply made it through the year:
Survival and Resilience: Just existing and continuing forward is an achievement, especially in challenging times. Every day you wake up and face the world is a small victory worth acknowledging.
Personal Growth Through Challenges: Even if the year felt overwhelming, you likely learned something about yourself - whether it was discovering inner strength, developing a new coping mechanism, or simply understanding your own limits and needs better.
Maintaining Connections: Whether it was a brief text, a quick call, or a momentary interaction, every human connection you maintained is meaningful. Relationships, even in their simplest forms, are lifelines during difficult periods.
Basic Self-Care Accomplishments: Did you eat? Sleep? Shower? Take medication? Attend appointments? These might seem mundane, but during tough times, these fundamental acts of self-care are profound acts of self-love and preservation.
Emotional Survival: Navigating complex emotions, processing grief, managing anxiety, or simply allowing yourself to feel without judgment is a significant accomplishment. Emotional endurance is just as important as physical survival and making it through another year emotionally intact is truly worth celebrating.
Remember, healing isn't linear, progress isn't always visible, and sometimes just existing is enough. You are worthy of celebration this year, and every year, regardless of what the last 12 months looked like. You are enough.