The aim of Handle With Care is to create a seamless network of support for children who have experienced trauma. By connecting law enforcement and educational institutions, there is an opportunity to identify and respond to the needs of these children in a timely and compassionate manner. It is important to understand that trauma can have a lasting impact on a child's development and education, and by providing extra support and care, we can increase the likelihood of positive outcomes and resilience. With Handle With Care, we have the opportunity to transform the way we respond to trauma and create a brighter future for all children.
our goals
Respond together as a community when a student experiences trauma.
Connect students with services.
Strengthen and improve relationships in the community.
Support children and youth in schools.

handle with care steps
Law enforcement encounters the youth and sends a referral to KRESA.
KRESA then notifies the school to handle the student with care.
When appropriate, provide supportive services to the youth.
Law Enforcement Officer
comes into contact with a young person after a traumatic event has occurred and sends HwC Notice.
HwC Notice Sent to School Contact
KRESA Health Advocates receive the notice and send communication to the district contact.
District and School Contact
Communicate “Handle with Care” to appropriate staff. No other details about the incident are shared.
Provide Services
Teachers, support staff and mental health providers will check in and/or provide appropriate supports as needed.
training is available for law enforcement, educators, and staff
Law Enforcement Agencies
Kalamazoo Department Public Safety
Kalamazoo Township Police
Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office
Augusta Police Department
Portage Police Department
Schoolcraft Village Police Department
Richland Village Police Department
Vicksburg Police Department
School Districts
Kalamazoo Public Schools
Climax-Scotts School District
Parchment Public Schools
Vicksburg Community Schools
Gull Lake Community Schools
Portage Public Schools
Galesburg-Augusta Public Schools
Comstock Community Schools District